2007 MicroGrant Fund for
Complementary Currency Systems
in Asia , Africa and Latin America

The Microgrant Fund for Complementary Currency Systems began in 2005 as an initiative by Stephen DeMeulenaere of the Strohalm Foundation to encourage the implementation of systems in South-East Asia , Africa and Central-South America . In 2005, the Fund went to the Philippines to support the promotion of Complementary Currency Systems in the Filipino Language. In 2006, the Fund went to the NGO Sarvodaya in Sri Lanka to support Complementary Currency Systems in post-Tsunami recovery efforts. In 2007, up to $500 USD in funding is available.

The deadline for initial proposal applications is 31 December 2006 for activities to be completed during 2007. Initial Proposals should be no longer than 5 pages in length and must be submitted in English, French or Spanish.

Proposals will be evaluated according to the criteria of Feasibility, Simplicity, Low-Cost Implementation, High-Impact Results and Replicability in other areas . This means that Proposals that are most likely to receive funding will demonstrate that Complementary Currency Systems are effective, low-cost/high-impact programs that are simple in design and easy to implement and replicate in other areas.

A final report on the activities and all documents produced during the project is expected.

The proposal should follow the format presented below . Please send the proposal as an MS Word or OpenOffice document (maximum size 500k) to:

Stephen DeMeulenaere
Asia Program Coordinator
Strohalm Foundation
Bali , Indonesia

stephen@complementarycurrency.org or stephen_dem@yahoo.com

Examples of programs can be found in the Implementation section at http://www.appropriate-economics.org/materials.html .

For further information, visit:

www.appropriate-economics.org , www.complementarycurrency.org , www.strohalm.org

Format for Initial Proposals

•  General Information

Organization / Group Name:

Name of Person Responsible:



Web Address:

Mailing Address:

•  Title of Complementary Currency Project:

•  Brief Background on the Individual/Group submitting the Application:

•  Any affiliations between the Group and other organizations:

( ie. Political, Religious or Organizational affiliations.)

5. Start Date & Duration of the Project:

6. Brief Description of Project:

•  Goal and Purpose of the Project:

•  Activities of the Project: ( schedule of Activities and Dates and Locations. )

•  Performance Indicators: (ie. number of people who will come, target groups , topics, other quantitative, measurable indicators of the impact of the activities. )

•  Outputs of the Project: ( ie. what will happen as a result of the project, what people will learn, be able to do, documents or materials to be produced, etc. ).

•  Demonstration of Feasibility, Simplicity, Low-Cost Implementation, High-Impact Results and Replicability of the Program in other areas:

•  Local Partners: ( will this group be working with local partners? If so, please name them. )

•  Total Budget: ( please be specific about budget amounts according to the Schedule of Activities and the number of persons involved.)

•  Other Assistance given to this Group and/or Project : ( ie. previously funded projects and Assistance given by other donor individuals or organizations .)

•  Any other information you would like to add in support of your proposal: