Become a Partner

Over the past 6 years, we have collaborated with many organizations throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America. We have received and uploaded materials on projects and promoted them to others whenever possible. We have provided assistance in reviewing proposals, and in finding interested funders. We have provided consultants to projects, and assistance in designing your projects or in resolving difficulties as they arise. We have provided a location for to direct other organizations to find out more information about our work in innovative financial micro-initiatives. We have become one of the best and most popular websites on appropriate economic development and community-based systems for promoting cooperation and local trade in the Global South. The hundreds of hours that we spend promoting our partners activities is a labor of love, giving us great pleasure in watching our movement grow from 1 country in 1994 (Mexico - 'Tianguis Tlaloc') to over 19 countries in just 7 years.

Through this website, we present a professional image of our work. Often we are working in locations without access to telephones, computers and the internet, but we need to connect with those who do. And we need to present ourselves properly.

Who is We?

We are the owner/designer of this website, Stephen DeMeulenaere, and those who have contributed their documents, time and efforts to build a new monetary movement that goes beyond the current micro-credit hype. We includes Strohalm Foundation, which supports projects in several countries and efforts worldwide. We includes the Access Foundation, and all other organizations working together on shared goals. We work together and encourage those in our field to work with us.

What is a Partner?

A partner is an organization that works in the area of financial micro-initiatives, which includes Credit Unions, Cooperatives, Community Exchange and Cooperation Systems, communities that continue to use and strengthen their Traditional Currencies, Fair Trade, Micro-Credit and other Financial and Socio-Economic Initiatives in the Global South.

A partner means that we come together through this website to present to others that we are working in the same field, or that we are working in different fields but share the same philosophy of sustainability, socio-economic solidarity, asset-based development, appropriate economics and etc.

A partner means that we help each other whenever possible and share opportunities for funding, that we share the good news when we do receive funding and encourage others to be successful with their efforts. That we give and take in equal measure and make sure that whatever comes around, goes around.

What do we require?

A statement from you, about your organization and its activities.

A good-quality .jpg image of your organization's logo.

Our Partners

What do we ask?

We ask that you consider a contribution to the maintenance of this website, to the cost of registering a new domain name and the cost of server space for a new location.

Please send your statement, graphics, contents and of course any materials you would like to share to